- DIALOG is a leading integrated technical service provider to the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. We serve a diverse range of customers that include multinational oil majors, national oil companies as well as multinational engineering and service providers located throughout the world.
- Established in 1984, DIALOG has grown both organically and through strategic alliances with internationally-renowned technology partners.
- Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, DIALOG is a global player with a staff strength of 2,900. Our global footprint includes offices and facilities in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
- Listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia with a market capitalisation of approximately RM22 billion (September 2020). DIALOG was included into the FBM KLCI in June 2018.